Welcome the future

We are committed to working hard for the future of Maastricht, and to promoting trust, sustainability and an enjoyable shared life for all its citizens.


Living in Maastricht

Smart housing in a city that where everyone feels at home

As M:OED, we advocate smart, sustainable and future-oriented solutions for housing in Maastricht. The shortage of affordable living spaces continues to grow, which means that new ideas about living are urgently needed. There are several options that M:OED is considering. Combating the high vacancy rate of many buildings in the city, creating residential communities that are inspired by the courtyards of the past and new forms of living such as tiny houses are all solutions to the housing crisis.

The center of Maastricht is attractive due to the combination of old and modern architecture. Unfortunately, there is little space available for affordable housing in this merger. We believe that a different policy should balance this.

Our plans:

Working in Maastricht

A city where young, smart, creative and enterprising people stay and come.

With M:OED we stand for Maastricht as a hub for creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship and new ideas. A city that gives everyone the opportunity to get the most out of their life, study and work. Unfortunately, we see many young people and young professionals leave after graduation and few people come to Maastricht for work. We also see that the city is struggling to talk to and listen to its citizens. However, Maastricht can become the city of do-ers, thinkers and pioneers as long as it stimulates and challenges talents to stay and makes them feel at home here. That is why we stand for a municipality that supports talented young people, young professionals and entrepreneurs regardless of education level. A municipality that understands that an open and inclusive society is an essential condition for exploiting the city’s full creative and cultural potential.

Our plans:

Life in Maastricht

A city with diversity and creativity

Art and culture are the essence of interpersonal communication and understanding; they promote personal development and identity formation. Culture helps us understand the ‘new’ and has the potential to build bridges.

Diversity is the core of culture for us. Maastricht presents itself as a ‘cultural’ city, but we only see a certain kind of culture. We regard culture as so much more than the current ‘chic and chic’. To make Maastricht atruly creative and innovative city, we must embrace all forms of culture in our city and respect the ‘freer and alternative’ culture that we also have in the city. We therefore want to encourage and support creativity and new ideas. With the artists themselves, but also with the entire entourage around them.

M:OED therefore advocates a city where experimenting with (new) forms of art is high on the cultural agenda. We believe that the balance between traditional cultural institutions and the experimental arts could be improved. M:OED believes that when these two forms mix, the cultural supply becomes much more diverse. For example, one can think of offering an exhibition or a dance performance on the site of a major event. Different art forms reinforce each other and thus find the desired audience, which increases the sustainability of the art on offer in our city.

Our plans:

Democratic innovation in Maastricht

Using knowledge available in Maastricht

We live in a city with a good university. Maastricht University conducts a lot of research that contributes to solving problems in our society. As M:OED, we believe that this knowledge should be used more for our city. That is why we want the municipality to be open to scientific solutions that benefit local society. This means that we welcome collaboration with Maastricht University. The municipality must take the lead and involve citizens in applying scientific solutions in Maastricht.

Our plans:

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