Maastricht: Open Honest Democratic
Welcome to the website of Maastricht: Open Honest Democratic (M:OED). It is really nice to have you here! Go ahead and discover the information on our website. On this page, you will find our manifesto in which we explain what we stand for and our election program.
In short, we from M:OED believe that we need to adopt new ways to tackle today’s problems. In a sustainable way. We believe it is important to listen sincerely, to actively reach out to those who are not heard and to conduct our own independent research to get the facts straight. Principally, the Municipal government should be closest to us as citizens. Maastricht can thus only be a nice and enjoyable city for everyone if everyone feels that their opinion is taken into account in the decision-making process.
M:OED is a party that is open to people with ideas that help the city move forward. So are you looking for more balance in the city and do you want to ensure that everyone’s interests are taken into account? Then join us and come build our beautiful Maastricht together! A city for everyone, from everyone. Welcome the future!
Maastricht is home and destination to a multitude of people. Combining the best of both, its historic past and international present, this city incorporates the charming warmth and feeling of togetherness of a small town, while offering the cutting-edge of international science and business benchmarks otherwise characteristic of a European metropolis.
With an open European economy, fair partnerships and our personal commitment for a transparent policy-making process, we not only ensure better welfare and equality, but also foster new social and economic development.
M:OED believes that only by means of an inclusive culture and sincere politics, whereby every citizen has access and sufficient support to participate, the city learns to understand itself as a whole organism. Merely through true honesty, Maastricht can define a genuine identity of its own.
M:OED stands for a proactive and pluralistic democracy. We find it crucial to show courage in face of adversity, to take responsibility despite complexity or sacrifice. It takes courage to make everyone’s voice heard, but we can create the right foundation to build our future on. Together in Maastricht.

“Our city that we share with everyone and where there are opportunities to move into the future with confidence.”
Our city has a unique position in the broadest sense of the word. With a history as the oldest city in our country you feel the history as you walk through the streets. Maastricht is our common denominator where, according to M:OED, everyone belongs. By mentioning the city so literally in our vision, there can be no doubt about what we are doing, what we want to work for and what we want to commit ourselves to; Maastricht, our city.
A city that must radiate inclusiveness in its actions, our community where everyone should feel at home, whether you are born and raised here, or came to work or study. We see a growing polarization in the city that can only be reduced with mutual understanding. We do this by forming a policy in which no one is excluded or can be treated as a separate group. The role of the Municipality is extremely important in this, as it can facilitate with progressive integration policy.
Maastricht as a border town is by definition an international city where languages and cultures come together. A city where bridges can be built. This must be nurtured and expanded so that Maastricht is an attractive location for people and organizations. By letting people in the city come together, we can learn from the rich history and culture with courage regarding our future. A future formed by the bridge between old and new generations of people in Maastricht.
“With an open European economy, an open and transparent decision-making process and an open society, we can all enjoy the prosperity that Maastricht has to offer.”
As a border town, Maastricht is as open as it can be, partly because of the bridges on which our city was built. The strong connection with our neighbours is an asset to the prosperity of the entire region that should not be underestimated. In order to continue to enjoy the benefits that an open European economy has brought us, the city must make it clear that Maastricht is not the end of the Netherlands, but the beginning of Europe. A city where everyone can realize their dreams by facilitating initiatives that contribute to the growth and prosperity of Maastricht.
The policy that must ensure this must also be open and transparent. The people of Maastricht have a limited view on the decision-making processes that everyone is going through. The city must be close to its citizens and give them the space to give a voice to all the issues that are important to the city and us. After all, Maastricht is all of us.
This is not limited to a cultural or social sense. It must also literally offer space to a growing population with very different wishes. In this, the municipality does not have to prescribe the rules, Maastricht must facilitate. The city should provide help to those who need it but leave people free where possible.
Open connections with the surrounding Euregio are of equal importance to enable everyone to benefit from the opportunities that Maastricht and its European neighbours have to offer. Greater mobility creates greater opportunities for the city. The municipality must play a facilitating role in this and dare to invest in the future.
M:OED aspires to an open city, where decisions and policies are both decisive and understandable. We promote this by being open as a party in our own decision-making process.
“M:OED believes that through an inclusive policy where everyone has the same opportunities, the city as a whole will learn to understand itself better and create a strong identity as an open and fair city.”
Maastricht cannot tackle global trends such as globalization, differences between rich and poor and climate change on its own. What we can do is respond smartly to these developments and form policies that benefits everyone.
With inclusive policies, M:OED believes that everyone can seize opportunities that an ever more closely connected world has to offer, especially in an international city like ours. By being honest about the problems our city faces, we do not have to sow fear, but we can reap the benefits of a common goal. As a city we can only excel if everyone can.
In a university city with so much knowledge and with a history in crafts and artisanship, there are opportunities for everyone to develop themselves. The condition for this is that everyone can also benefit. A fair policy in which residents are encouraged to learn from each other, be it from your neighbours or through organizations, is the only way to excel as a community. M:OED believes that by means of an inclusive policy where everyone gets the same opportunities, the city as a whole learns to understand itself better and with that can establish an identity of an open and honest city.
Because M:OED comes to that decision in a transparent way, we hope to serve as an example for an inclusive city where policies and decisions are made in a sincere manner at all levels. Many residents do not feel sufficiently heard by the political system, and that is not fair. M:OED wants to be there for everyone.
“By showing courage, taking responsibility and ensuring that everyone’s voice is heard, we can create the right foundation in Maastricht to build a strong future for our city.”
Through dialogue, debate and discussion we can achieve coherent and inclusive policy together. Democracy should not mean that the majority rules. The minority must be heard as well, so everyone feels included in Maastricht. The current structure of the municipality encourages an inefficient process. We need to change that by looking critically at responsibilities to create an environment where everyone gets the chance to criticize the city’s policies. Because only when we listen to every citizen that wants to be heard can we accomplish true democratic policies. Only in this way can we ensure that our city offers the soil for the future vision that M:OED has.
M:OED believes that this responsibility starts with the party itself who has to promote a culture of transparency, honesty and democracy. By showing courage when responsibility has to be taken, and sharing success when goals have been achieved, we can create the right foundation in Maastricht to build a future as a city.
Contact us
If you like to request more information about the M:OED party, contact us via +31 43 363 16 63 or send an email to welkom@stemvoormoed.nl
Contact faction:
Address M:OED
Koning Zwentiboldstraat 45
6226 AK Maastricht
President Marina van Montfort
Tel. nr. President: +31 43 363 16 63
Address M:OED
Koning Zwentiboldstraat 45
6226 AK Maastricht