Thomas Schäfer

Future-oriented, visionary, strategist, motivator
In a city of so much international character and historical beauty, it is a shame to experience corruption and resistance instead of openness and true collaboration. While the municipality is taking big steps, and its infrastructure and finances are outstanding, many issues are not tackled in the way that an internationally diverse population requires it. M:OED wants to unite and bring the new and old ‘Maastrichtenaren’ together, while enabling temporary staying students or visiting tourists to contribute to the development of the city. After 5 years working in the field, I truly feel at home. Contributing to our movement of local diversity that aims to push Maastricht into the future simply feels as the right next step. Politics need to look forward and enable each citizen to feel free and contribute to society. Policies that empower the individual and enrich diversity can and will make the city one that can be proud of its past while anticipating the future.