Written Questions & Motions 2024

By Bestuur on
M:OED’s Recent Activities: Shaping the Future of Maastricht
While the M:OED board focuses on strengthening the party and expanding membership, the group is actively engaged in addressing key political issues for Maastricht. Over the past months, the group has worked on a range of topics, including innovation, urban development, housing, cultural policy, and youth participation. Their work is guided by three central themes: an attractive city, a livable city, and a sustainable city.
The group’s voice is heard in multiple ways, including participation in domain and council meetings and by submitting written questions to the college. Below is an overview of recent written questions organized by theme. Want to read the full questions and/or the municipality’s response? Then check out this page (Dutch).
Attractive City
- Tackling Street Harassment (2024)
Street safety is essential, yet street harassment remains a widespread issue in Maastricht. It affects many and creates a sense of insecurity. Municipalities can play a leading role here, particularly during large events. M:OED inquired about the municipality’s plans to address (sexual) street harassment using guidelines provided by Movisie. - Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Maastricht
Innovation is crucial to the city’s success—socially, economically, and societally. However, the approach to achieving an innovative city that benefits all residents remains unclear. M:OED submitted questions on living labs, measurable goals, step-by-step plans, and entrepreneurship within Maastricht and the Randwyck Campus. - Annual Report 2023: Museums
M:OED posed technical questions on the municipality’s annual report, focusing on museums and cultural institutions. - Problems at Video Power and Cultural Policy
The audiovisual platform Video Power lost eligibility for municipal cultural funding, narrowly falling short in jury evaluations. This decision affects the city’s broader goal of fostering a vibrant cultural life. M:OED expressed concern about whether jury-based evaluations might undermine innovative ideas and stressed the need for better tools to balance cultural priorities. - Redevelopment of Landbouwbelang
M:OED questioned the shift in plans for Landbouwbelang, which initially included a strong cultural component. The updated proposal favors educational use, deviating from the original agreements and potentially undermining trust in the process.
Livable City
- Redevelopment of Keurmeestersplein
During the Physical domain meeting on October 3, M:OED was asked to submit its remaining questions on this redevelopment in writing. - Private Sale of Residential Studio on Louisestraat
The College of Aldermen plans to sell a studio without a public sale, typically required to ensure fair access. M:OED asked why an exception is being made and what circumstances justify this deviation. - Youth Participation
The closure of CODE043 has significantly impacted youth participation in Maastricht, leading to the loss of a crucial platform for engaging young people. M:OED raised concerns about the lack of diversity in participation initiatives and stressed the importance of supporting underrepresented voices in the city. - Good Landlord Act
Amid a housing crisis affecting student accommodations, M:OED inquired how the municipality plans to enforce the new Good Landlord Act to address issues such as mold, poor electricity, and exploitative rental practices. - Shortage of Bicycle Racks
Stricter rules on “incorrectly parked” bicycles have been introduced despite inadequate parking facilities across the city. M:OED questioned the municipal government’s claim that facilities are sufficient and emphasized the need for improvements in both capacity and distribution. - Social Security System
A study by Nibud revealed that Maastricht’s social security system is unclear and difficult to access. M:OED raised concerns about the barriers this creates for residents and asked how the municipality plans to address these shortcomings.
Sustainable City
- Innovation in the Waste Resource Plan
Cooperation between companies and research institutions is vital for waste management innovation. M:OED asked whether innovation would be a central focus in the municipality’s updated waste resource plan. - Heat Stress in Vulnerable Neighborhoods
M:OED highlighted the urgency of redesigning public spaces to combat heat stress in socio-economically vulnerable neighborhoods. They requested more detailed information on greening initiatives outside the inner city, noting that current plans lack specificity.
We also co-filled many motions. Not all of them make it but most of them do! See a summary below. [link]