Excited! Expert panel – Mental Health among Youth

By Bestuur on
Expert panel – Mental Health among Youth on Wednesday evening, April 10 from 19:30 at Que Pasa Maastricht.
It’s time for another M:OED event – an expert panel on mental health among youth.
Meet our speakers:
– Alexandra Masciantonio is a postdoctoral fellow at Studio Europa Maastricht at Maastricht University. Her research focuses on how social media have invaded our lives, ranging from civic engagement to mental health. One of her passions is also science communication, and she never misses an opportunity to connect science and society.
– Luuk Bellemakers is a directing student at the Toneelacademie Maastricht. In his work he addresses people on the fringes of society. By giving these people a voice within the walls of the theater, he tries to start the conversation around large, difficult topics.
-Peter Beckers, whose passion lies in mental health and prevention. At Mondriaan, a mental health care organization, he serves as a psychiatric nurse, family coach, and prevention trainer. With a particular focus on the mental well-being of youth, Peter is concerned about their vulnerability post-COVID.
During this event, we want to facilitate a conversation between the experts on the panel and the attendees. Topics will include the mental health status among young people, the importance of ( adequate) help, the role of social media, and how facilitating social interaction and meaningful leisure activities can contribute to good mental health. The panel discussion will take place in English.
Everyone is welcome! So feel free to share it with friends & family, we would love it if you stop by.
Are you not feeling well? Then know you are not alone! Check out the website: https://www.allesoke.nl/en or go to @ease in Maastricht for a free and anonymous chat. You can just drop by or chat.
Are you looking for other support? Then also have a look at:
Bel or chat with 113 suicide prevention
Moti4 addiction care for young people (ook in Maastricht)
Bel, chat or mail with a prevention worker from Mondriaan for all your questions about substances and addiction (Zuid Limburg)
Bel, chat or mail with the ‘Luisterlijn’ (24/7)
Or visit your GP