Celebrate diversity

By Bestuur on
There are 120,227 inhabitants in Maastricht with 123 different nationalities. There are 9,624 business establishments and 76,000 jobs in Maastricht. There are 38,571 informal carers aged 15 and older. There are 24,700 students studying at six different educational institutions. There are 20,500 young people (up to and including 18 years old). There are 17,840 clients who use social services. Nevertheless, the municipality is trying to apply a one-size-fits-all method. Why not the other way around? The residents of Maastricht have repeatedly shown that they are resilient. Look at the initiatives when the corona crisis broke out or now with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Look at the fantastic organizations such as Athos, Lefteam, and Grenzeloos that work at the interfaces of different domains such as education, care, social services, integration, and entrepreneurship and support people according to their needs. As a municipality, let’s make it easier for them. Because they are the ones who make Maastricht more inclusive. And let’s make room for people with different and new ideas about art and culture, forms of living and housing, creative entrepreneurs, and pioneers. Let the city come alive. Diversity is beautiful thus let’s celebrate. So that everyone feels welcome.